Enjoy hassle-free
ordering, personalized offers, and loyalty perks that turn every visit
into a rewarding experience. Download now and discover why it's Appsolutely
Effortless Ordering: Ordering your favourite dishes is now a breeze—no more
waiting or hassle.
Exclusive Rewards: Earn Kenji Coins with every purchase
and unlock exciting rewards.
Tailored Offers: Enjoy offers designed just for you, based on your
dining preferences.
Loyalty Perks: The more you order, the more rewards you earn—transform
every meal into something even more special.
Limited Time Offers
1. Buy One, Get One at
50% Off (Selected Items Only)
2. Happy Hours – Flat 30% OFF - Only on Weekdays
3. Sumo Sushi & Bento Birthday Treat
Reward: 500 Kenji Coins
your special day with 500 Kenji Coins and enjoy your Sumo
Why It’s Appsolutely
Yours… Every Time!
Our app isn’t just about food—it’s
about offering you the perfect dining experience. From Kenji Coins to
personalized deals, every time you order, you’re rewarded. It’s the easy,
rewarding way to enjoy your favourites, whether it’s a quick snack or a full
Join the experience
today—because with us, your meal is never just food. It’s a chance to earn,
save, and enjoy more. It’s Appsolutely Yours!
Download the Sumo Mobile App:
Sumo Mobile App is the most simple and convenient way to earn loyalty points. You can collect the Kenji Coins for every order and redeem them for FREE food and drinks (1 AED= 1 Kenji Coin). You can redeem the rewards without any minimum spend. Enjoy!